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电话: 86 020-87568805
传真: 86 020-87518891
姓名: Bonnie Cao

  Guangdong Huana Chemistry Co., Ltd. is a professional global chemical engineering company based in China. With its own R&D, manufacturing, purchasing, trading, marketing, and sales teams, Huana strives to become one of the most globally competitive companies, providing world-class quality products and customizable services to our esteemed *域名隐藏* 1993, Huana Chemistry has endeavored to build a quality-driven brand that dominates the emulsifiers (sorbitan esters and polysorbates) market seg

主要产品/业务: sorbitan sesquioleate in cosmetics

GUANGDONG RUNHUA CHEMISTRY CO., / 广东 / No. 7 the 2nd Jinnan Road, Fine Chemical Industrial Base, Qinghu () / 电话:86 020-87568805

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